Thursday, May 3, 2012


I have not been able to post much since I have been preparing for finals. However, a lot of people have asked if I need help with anything, monetarily, supplies, or anything at all. Fortunately my medical bills are covered. I have great insurance and only need to pay a copay (which is very small) when I am admitted. As far as supplies go, I pretty much have everything that I need and anything that I don't already have I will be getting shortly so there's no need there either. If you do feel the urge to give there are two organizations that have been wonderful to me through the last few months. and

In addition, (and MUCH more important than myself and my needs), a good friend of mine has suffered from many complications after giving birth to her son a month ago. The bills have piled up, her husband has to miss work to help. My friend Anna is such a beautiful and strong woman, with a wonderful husband and three perfect children. They need any help they can get right now and understandably so. So if you are able to, please consider giving anything you can. And if you are unable to give, please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers as she has a long road to recovery. Below is a link to their fundraising page.

I appreciate everyone's willingness and desire to help! If anything, if you can take a moment to keep me in your thoughts, I really appreciate it. The power of prayer and positivity does wonders! And knowing that I have so many wonderful people supporting me has changed my life!

The only update I currently have is that they are in the process of scheduling my surgery. They have to coordinate my own schedule and both of my surgeons' schedules. If they have not contacted me by May 11th, I am to contact them. I do know that I can expect to have my mastectomy in June.

I did see my plastic surgeon recently and I did not get the news that I was hoping for. Unfortunately, I will not be having my exchange at the end of the summer. I will have my mastectomy and be completely finished with filling my expanders by the time I begin school in August. And then in December when I am on winter break, I will have my exchange and be good to go for school in January. And then hopefully soon after I can have the finishing touches done. While I am not happy that I have to wait so long to have my exchange, I know that every thing happens for a reason and 6 months of my life is so small compared to the years I am giving myself by going through this.

Once I am finished with finals (May 16th), I will write a longer post going through some of my experiences in the last month or two. There's never a dull moment with me!

Thank you again for all of the love and support!